Director’s Circle
The Director’s Circle is for those who choose to underwrite Music on Main’s annual activities each season with a gift of $1,200 or more, providing the support on which Music on Main thrives.
Join Music on Main’s Director’s Circle today, and become an integral part of ensuring continued opportunities for artists and audiences to ‘listen, together’. Your support plays a formative role in Music on Main’s ability to connect people from all walks of life with great digital and in-person musical experiences. Now, more than ever, as we confront the continued uncertainties of the COVID-19 pandemic, while also doubling down on our commitment to great music, your sustaining generosity makes a difference.
Annual membership in Music on Main’s Director’s Circle begins at $1,200 per year. Annual pledges can be paid at any time, and in any amount. Some Director’s Circle members are making their contribution in one payment; others are spreading their generosity across time, using monthly or quarterly instalments. It’s all up to you!