Free Activities

Tsatsu Stalqayu (Coastal Wolf Pack)

Exhibition Hall

Tsatsu Stalqayu (Coastal Wolf Pack), the multigenerational, traditional Salish song and dance group, opens BIG BANG with song, dance and stories.

12:00 PM

The Carnival Band

Exhibition Hall

Follow the Carnival Band as they march throughout the Roundhouse!

12:20  |  1:45 PM  | 3:15 PM | 4:45 PM

Bounce House


Come take a rhythmic jump in Bounce House, the BIG BANG bouncy castle! At the Bounce House, you don’t just jump at random: drummers follow the jumping children like a living score to create a rhythmic and musical soundtrack.

12:30 PM – 5:00 PM

Tone the Colours

Room B

Listen through headphones and take an imaginative, interactive audio trip through colour.  Speed up and slow down, move together and then solo again. Will the sounds make your body twist and swing in a weird way? Come find out.

12:30 PM – 5:00 PM

Face painting, temporary tattoos and other activities

Exhibition Hall

12:30 PM – 5:00 PM

The Musical Playground by Publik Secrets

Exhibition Hall (behind the stage)

Co-presented by Chapel Sound and INTER/MEDIATE, the Musical Playground is an interactive installation featuring graphic score activities for all ages, and Publik Secrets’ unique sonic instruments.

12:40 PM  – 4:00 PM

Origami with Yukiko Tosa


Yukiko shares a story while you learn to make origami.

12:40 PM  |  1:10 PM  |  2:10 PM  |  2:40 PM  |  3:40 PM  |  4:10 PM

Ticketed Events

Musical Journey ($15)

Join a guide and journey to hear three mini concerts:Meredith’s Music Room by Naomi Beeldens,” “Saina’s Music Room by Saina Khaledi” and the “Qing Ensemble Music Room.”  Your guide will lead small audience groups to unique and intimate spaces for three performance of about 18 minutes each. $15 per person.

12:30 PM | 2:00 PM | 3:30 PM

Qing Ensemble Music Room ($5)

Performance Centre

The Qing Ensemble’s mini concert is also available as a single event for just $5 per person.  (Note: This performance is included in the Musical Journey ticket.)

1:30 PM   | 3:00 PM |   4:30 PM